Methods in Neuroscience at Dartmouth (MIND) 2019 Computational Summer School: Cognitive Maps

We are delighted to announce our third Methods in Neuroscience at Dartmouth (MIND) Computational Summer School, to be held August 7-August 17, 2019. The theme of this year's summer school is Cognitive Maps.

Cognitive maps are most commonly associated with the representation and navigation of physical space, but the concept of a map is more generally concerned with how experience is organized to form knowledge. Tantalizingly, it seems that the neural encoding of physical space may also underlie the organization of conceptual and social spaces. The 2019 MIND Computational summer school will provide participants with tools to study what principles govern the learning, organization,a nd application of such maps, and to probe their neural underpinnings. 


For more information, and/or to apply, please visit  Please note that this year's application deadline is April 15, 2019.  You may also find information about previous years' summer schools (2017 & 2018) on the MIND Summer School website, along with all course materials.  We anticipate a diverse and talented mix of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty will participate in the 2019 summer school.

Luke ChangJeremy Manning, and Matt van der Meer (Directors)

James Haxby, Dan Rockmore, and Thalia Wheatley (Advisory Board)

This event is sponsored by the Center for Cognitive NeuroscienceDartmouth Research Computing, the Neukom Institute for Computer Sciences at Dartmouth, and the National Science Foundation.